There is also a drawing of an artist from Novi Bečej, Milorad Josimović, which shows the composer’s home, and there is also an album of photograpjs of Josif Marinković and his family. Одна из комнат в доме Владимира Главаша, обставленная роскошной мебелью, посвящена композитору Йосифу Маринковичу.
Every year, it hosts a colony of water colour artists. Novi Bečej has a very interesting history and numerous sights. Visitors can learn about part of that history in the town’s museum, which is called Glavaš’s house. В Нови-Бечей много достопримечательностей и очень интересная история, с которой туристы могут познакомиться в городском музее, разместившемся в доме адвоката Владимира Главаша.